United in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness


Tudor BuildingWelcome to the website of Enfield Grammar School Lodge No 7757, a Masonic Lodge within the Metropolitan Area of London, under the United Grand Lodge of England.

Consecrated in 1961, the Lodge was founded as a "School Lodge" for the Enfield Grammar School 'Old Boys' and staff, but is now open to all men of good standing aged 21 or over.

Enfield Grammar School Lodge meets four times a year at Southgate Masonic Centre.

We would welcome new members whether new to Freemasonry or as Joining Members. You will find the Lodge very friendly and welcoming, with members drawn from many walks of life.

For further details, please contact our Secretary, Ian Dowling: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .